We had the honor of capturing footage of the funeral procession of John Franklin Lewis, one of the founding members of the Gray Ghosts Motorcycle Club. Lewis was laid to rest in Many, Louisiana on Saturday, Jan. 15.
It was difficult not to be awed and taken aback by the show of respect and honor Mr. Lewis earned from his friends and fellow motorcycle club riders, as well as riders from all over the state and beyond. In all, close to 500 motorcycles participated in the procession in some way or another.
The procession began on South Capitol Street at Warren Meadows Funeral Home and continued south to Hwy. 171, traveling to San Antonio Avenue where it continued on through downtown Many and on to St. John’s Catholic Church.
We used multiple cameras at several vantage points in our attempt to do justice to this awesome procession. The 8 minute video we put together for Mr. Franklin’s family, extended family, friends and motorcycle is within this post